The PNER Blood Machine will be at the Mary & Anna Memorial Ride!

The PNER Blood Machine will be available at the ride. You can get a baseline blood draw done before the ride and then a follow up panel at the end of your ride. It’s also a great diagnostic tool if things don’t go quite right during your ride. Best case scenario would be to do a panel prior to leaving for the ride with your veterinarian, and then follow up bloodwork at the ride. If you have blood drawn after the start of your ride, you won’t be able to see the results unless you are pulled from the ride.

Cost is $45/panel for PNER Members and $55/panel for non-members. This panel would be over $100 at your veterinarian’s office.

Your ride veterinarians can draw the blood, or you can have one of the knowledgeable Blood Machine volunteers do the blood draw and test. This is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of a tremendous resource that PNER provides.

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